SSMPA Calls for Cleanup at Rocketdyne

  • A Cleanup that Does More Good than Harm
  • A Cleanup that Protects Our Surrounding Communities
  • A Cleanup that Preserves SSFL's Natural Habit and Wildlife
  • A Cleanup that Is "Doable” and Affordable
See SSMPA's Response to DTSC's Environmental Impact Report for SSFL Cleanup:

"DTSC must not be bound by arbitrary, politically-predetermined constraints, such as the 2010 Administrative Orders on Consent (AOCs), in its selection of effective and executable cleanup alternatives."

September 29, 2017: SSMPA’s Position on Cleanup of Santa Susana Field Lab

The Santa Susana Mountain Park Association (SSMPA) recommends that all responsible parties at the Santa Susana Field Lab (SSFL) execute a minimal impact risk-based cleanup, protective of human health and environment, to EPA’s recreational open space standard.  

SSMPA recommends against excessive cleanup of inert, non-hazardous waste; that is, against a cleanup with a risk that may far exceed the “risk” of leaving inert materials in place.

Which community organizations have already called for a
risk-based cleanup (not "background") at SSFL?
Chatsworth Neighborhood Council

West Hills Neighborhood Council

Woodland Hills–Warner Center Neighborhood Council

Canoga Park Neighborhood Council
Chatsworth Community Coordinating Council (CCCC)

Santa Susana Mountain Park Association (SSMPA)

Lake Manor Citizens Committee Rural Town Council

Chatsworth Nature Preserve Coalition 
Video from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory Community Advisory Group (SSFL CAG)

  2nd NASA Inspector General's Audit Report finds NASA's SSFL plan unconventional and costly

"...if NASA moves forward under the terms of its current agreement  (AOC) with California officials to clean up the Santa Susana site, other projects with a higher risk to human safety may not receive necessary funding." p.16

July 2014 

NASA's Comparative Analysis of

Background versus Risk-based Cleanup Scenarios

for the Soils at Santa Susana Field Laboratory


March 2014

SSMPA calls for SSFL Cleanup target date to be pushed back. 


October 2013


The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)

has oversight authority for the cleanup at the former Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

DTSC oversees the plans and activities of the three parties responsible (RPs) for the cleanup:


U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Boeing Co.


Early August 2013: NASA released a statement (DEIS) on the impacts of its plans for completing the cleanup of its land (~450 acres) at Santa Susana Field Lab (SSFL).

Early September 2013: Santa Susana Mountain Park Association (SSMPA) posted a draft version of its thorough evaluation of NASA's statement.

Mid-September 2013: Chatsworth Neighborhood Council and West Hills Neighborhood Council passed resolutions consistent with SSMPA's evaluation

Late September 2013: SSMPA posted its final version of its evaluation of NASA's statement. SSMPA sent its evaluation to NASA officials and to 35 local political officials and agencies.

Bottom Line: Back to the drawing board

 NASA must acquire from California's Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) important missing information, and NASA must issue a corrected, comprehensive DEIS that provides decision makers adequate information to make an informed decision on how the cleanup should proceed.

Read SSMPA's full evaluation HERE.

  SSMPA's letter to Department of Energy

SSMPA provided scoping comments to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in April 2014, requesting items to be included and addressed in DOE's yet-to-be-prepared Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the cleanup of SSFL.

Read SSMPA's comments below:

DOE EIS Scoping Commentary by SSMPA.pdf DOE EIS Scoping Commentary by SSMPA.pdf
Size : 489.296 Kb
Type : pdf
DOE Scoping Attachments.pdf DOE Scoping Attachments.pdf
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Type : pdf

SSMPA's letter to NASA

SSMPA commented on NASA's Draft Environmental Impact Statement (July 2013) for cleanup at Santa Susana Field Lab. 

NASA DEIS Commentary by SSMPA final.pdf NASA DEIS Commentary by SSMPA final.pdf
Size : 627.688 Kb
Type : pdf

Supporting materials, extracts from referenced documents.

NASA DEIS Letter Attachments.pdf NASA DEIS Letter Attachments.pdf
Size : 10128.593 Kb
Type : pdf

Read the NASA Inspector General's Audit Report that finds NASA's cleanup plan misguided and costly:

Audit Report

Feb. 2013

Video from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory Community Advisory Group (SSFL CAG)

SSMPA Protests DTSC's Proposal to Build Dirt-Conveyor through Parklands

See here

 "Still a mess,"

but reasonableness is beginning to prevail 

 Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2014 

To: ''

Subject:Santa Susana Cleanup Effort Is a Mess

Dear Michael Hiltzik:

I read your column this morning regarding "Santa Susana toxic cleanup effort is a mess".

You are correct. 

Unfortunately, you, like many others, have listened to a one-sided view as reported by Consumer Watchdog. Their alleged facts are very skewed and misrepresented. Past and recent testing have shown that there is not a higher cancer risk for residents living within 2 miles of the SSFL. On a personal note: My family, including three young children, in the late 1970's lived at the bottom of Runkle property in Simi Valley, the SSFL watershed area, and more recently for twelve years on Woolsey Canyon, West Hills. After living on both sides of the SSFL within 2 miles, in different time periods, my family and I are cancer-free and healthy.

The Consumer Watchdog group works on the human fear factor so that a responsible cleanup might not happen. The radical clean up to background will require more than ten years of truckloads, minimum of 80,000 truckloads, of soil and rocks being excavated and hauled out causing more health risks versus a technical remediation as Boeing has been conducting for years. Half of the San Fernando Valley is a Super Fund site because of contamination from gas stations, dry cleaners using chemicals, machine shops and aerospace industry. No one is advocating demolishing all structures and excavating the soil in the eastern half of the San Fernando Valley.

Many of us are working to stop the insanity, save a thriving and important wildlife corridor, preserve Native American historical districts and historical rocket engine test stands. We want a clean up, but a responsible cleanup that doesn't hurt the environment.

If you would like to know the real facts, not hyperbole, about the contamination, the clean up in process, and the best scenario to ensure a risk-based assessment of the cleanup, you are invited to attend the next Community Advisory Group (CAG) meeting or attend a tour of the SSFL so you can learn more about the site and this natural wonderland. Website information about the SSFL cleanup: and John Luker <>, SSMPA Vice President, will be happy to discuss the SSFL cleanup and advise you of the next CAG meeting and SSFL tour. 

Carla Bollinger


NASA/SSFL Section 106 Consultant
Santa Susana Mountain Park Association Member (SSMPA) 
Associated Historical Society of Los Angeles County Member
Member of SFV Audubon Society and Southwestern Herpetologists Society

 SSMPA's letter to DTSC

SSMPA provided scoping comments to DTSC in January 2014, requesting items to be included and addressed in DTSC's yet-to-be-prepared  Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the cleanup of SSFL.

Read SSMPA's comments below:

DTSC PEIR Letter Attachments final.pdf DTSC PEIR Letter Attachments final.pdf
Size : 2681.22 Kb
Type : pdf

 NASA released its

Final Environmental Impact Statement 

March 14, 2014

What are stakeholder organizations saying about NASA's DEIS?

SSMPA is compiling dozens of public comments on the recent DEIS from NASA.

The compilation contains comments on 10 topics by 10 organizations. Bookmark this page.


  1. Overall Quality of Plan
  2. Alternative Cleanup Options
  3. End Use of Property
  4. Administrative Order on Consent (AOC)
  5. Consistency with Established Process
  6. Background vs. Risk-Based Standards
  7. Time Schedule
  8. Native American & Archaeological Resources
  9. Rocket-Related Historic Resources
  10. Soil

All Topics: 
What did stakeholders say v1_0.pdf What did stakeholders say v1_0.pdf
Size : 429.323 Kb
Type : pdf

SSMPA thinks the compilation shows how much unanimity there is among the organizations.

Additional Organizations: 

California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CADFW)

Boeing Company (BOE)

Resource Libraries for SSFL