Preserving and protecting the Santa Susana Mountains and Simi Hills of Southern California

Watch Center: for Chatsworth Park South Reopening

  As of March, 2013, there was finally a Cleanup / Reopening Plan for 

 Chatsworth Park South 

Click here to see the Public Notice                                                                        Click here to read the plan

SSMPA is encouraged that, after five years, the City of Los Angeles presented a comprehensive plan for cleaning up Chatsworth Park South. The California Department of Toxic Substances Control approved the plan in July 2013.  We urge the City to find the funds it needs to perform the work. With a little luck, might we have our park back by
  2014?  2015?  2016?  2017?  2____?

5  6  7 8+ years of closure already is too long.

You can ask City representatives your own questions about Chatsworth Park South:

    Council District 12:
City Recreation & Parks:  

UPDATE #45:   May 13, 2017: (days closed 3,375)


Remediation work is progressing at Chatsworth Park South and must be close to conclusion. The City still has not made a re-opening date estimate recently, so we asked a different question.

SSMPA asked: "Will (and when) the programs at the CPS recreation center resume? Is there budget allocated to resume the programs that were so popular wit the local community for so many years?"

A LA Department of Recreation and Parks official replied: "Programs will be available. Wheelchair sports will return. All of the past programs and patrons have been utilizing other facilities, but we expect that patrons will begin to return as the word gets out that the facility is open, safe, and functional."

It sounds like good news, although the "when?" and "funded?" questions are still floating in air.

video by Chatsworth resident Larry Wolff

UPDATE #44:   March 28, 2017: (days closed 3,329)


The remediation work at Chatsworth Park South (started April 2016) was apparently going well. As of the end of 2016 the city was hopeful that work would be complete about mid-February 2017, and that a re-opening ceremony might be feasible to mark the ninth anniversary of the closing of the park.

Then the rains came. The downpours of December and January not only slowed the pace of work, but also caused considerable damage to much of the exposed, not-yet-stabilized land. Apparently, a significant amount of rework, repair, and replanting would be needed.

That rework is not yet complete and the City declines to estimate when it might be done. Some events at the adjacent Homestead Acre have had to be cancelled due to access and parking obstacles, including the Chatsworth Historical Society's annual Garden Festival. And it is concerning to SSMPA that the pace of the rework seems very slow so far.

See this excellent drone video created by Chatsworth resident Larry Wolff

UPDATE #43:   August 30, 2016: (days closed 3,120)


Hover over photos  -  Click photo to enlarge

UPDATE #42:   June 23, 2016: (days closed 3,051)


Hover over photos  -  Click photo to enlarge


UPDATE #41:    June 11, 2016: (days closed 3,039)

 Re-connecting Trails

Of special interest to SSMPA is the task of effectively re-connecting trails within Chatsworth Park South (CPS) with trails in the 670-acre Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park, which surrounds CPS.

SSMPA however is not aware of details regarding the upcoming construction of trail connections, nor is California State Parks aware. In the interest of advance planning, SSMPA suggests that LADRP and California State Parks come together to define details:

  • how many connections, locations, which trails, hiking, equestrian, multi-use?

  • physical configuration of gateways through the new perimeter fence

  • trail signage

Read SSMPA's request to City Department of Recreation and Parks to contact California State Parks HERE


UPDATE #40:   June 7, 2016: (days closed 3,035)



UPDATE #39:    May 20, 2016: (days closed 3,017)


 Remediation will be accomplished primarily by hauling in approximately 2,500 truckloads of materials (aggregate and clean soil) to serve as a one-foot cap over the soil that is contaminated with lead pellets and fragments of clay pigeons. Only some areas will have soil removed and hauled away.

City says work will be complete by end of 2016.


UPDATE #38:    April 1, 2016: (days closed 2,968)


There are striking signs that remediation work is about to begin at Chatsworth Park South. After more than eight (8) years of closure, construction work seems to be starting up.

Remediation will be accomplished primarily by hauling in materials (aggregate and clean soil) to serve as a one-foot cap over the soil that is contaminated with lead pellets and fragments of clay pigeons. Only some areas will have soil removed and hauled away.

Remediation work may take up to a year to complete.

Groundbreaking event to be held by Council District 12 on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 10am to mark the beginning of remediation work.

Click here to read the remediation plan (2013)

 Click here to read Work Notice from DTSC (2016)

  UPDATE #37   Mar. 8, 2016: (days closed 2,944)

Remediation Project to Start...

Representatives of City Council District 12 recently told us that the remediation contractor will begin work in Chatsworth Park South in April 2016, and that the work could take approximately one year to complete. 

Re-open in early 2017?

Remediation will be accomplished primarily by laying a one-foot cap of imported materials over the soil that is contaminated with lead pellets and fragments of clay pigeons. Only some areas will have soil removed and hauled away.

Click here to read the remediation plan

 Remember these 2 adjacent parks have not been closed and are open for your use:

  1. Chatsworth Park NORTH: Take Chatsworth Street west almost to its end. Entrance to park is on the left.
  2. Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park: 670 acres, miles of trails, old stagecoach road. Take Devonshire Street west of Valley Circle one block to Larwin Avenue, turn left one half block to entrance on right, under the power lines. Or enter on Andora, just south of the entrance to Oakwood Cemetery

 UPDATE #36:  Jan. 4, 2016: (days closed 2,880)

Chatsworth Park South: Still Closed, but a Little Activity
We all know that Chatsworth Park South (City of LA) has been closed for 7- 1/2 years, awaiting cleanup of reported lead contamination on a portion of the acreage. The City has engaged a contractor to do remediation work (grading, capping the surface, etc.), and work is scheduled to begin after the coming El Niño season. City officials say they expect the work to be completed by the end of 2016.

In December 2015, there was a bit of activity in the park. Some light grading was done, apparently to help channel storm water into drainage channels on the east side of the park, and away from the adjacent Rockpointe neighborhood. There is also a stockpile of filled sandbags on the grounds (next to the sandbox area of the long closed playground).

   UPDATE #35  Oct 30, 2015 (days closed 2,815):




(some more)

Councilmember Mitchell Englander announced today he is delaying the start of remediation work at Chatsworth Park South "until spring." He did not specify spring of which year, but let's assume 2016.

See his statement to the left of this panel.

One begins to feel sorry for El Niño, el chivo expiatorio.

   UPDATE #34  Sep 10, 2015 (days closed 2,765):

Latest unofficial word:

Remediation work to begin October 2015, sometime after Pioneer Day at Homestead Acre (Oct. 4)

Completion: 2017?

  UPDATE #33  July15, 2015:

Council District 12 reported today:

Notice of Intent to Begin work expected end of August 2015

Expected duration of remediation work: ~14 months 

November 2016?

 UPDATE #32  June 18, 2015: 

 LA Rec & Parks Commissioners Just Approved Awarding of Contract for Remediation 

Contract for capping the contamination at Chatsworth Park South will apparently be awarded to American Integrated Services


$6.3 million

Next questions to be answered: When will work begin? When will park re-open?

  UPDATE #31  May 14, 2015:

Still Waiting for City's Review of Contractors'  Proposals to Be Completed

Although LA City Council District 12 has not been revealing details of progress lately, the Recreation and Parks Department is

  • apparently continuing to review remediation proposals from contractors,
  • designating a preferred contractor, and
  • working toward a signed contract for performance of the remediation work.
SSMPA does not know where progress stands on these activities, but there are some positive signs: contractors have been sighted recently at Chatsworth Park South, looking around, sizing up the situation, scratching their heads, etc.

 UPDATE #30  FEB 27, 2015:

From Councilmember Mitchell Englander: "Term in Review" (page 25)

 "Collaborated on Chatsworth Park South Contamination Cleanup -- Working with Department of Recreation & Parks, Chatsworth stakeholders and State Department of Toxic Substances Control to remediate lead and petroleum contamination at Chatsworth Park South. Final designs have been proved to re-open the park by 2015."

UPDATE #29  FEB 20, 2015:

Resident / SSMPA Member Asks City Officials for Information on Re-Opening CPS
(You too could ask.)



I'm a constituent and a member of SSMPA and this email coincides with my most recent hike in the Santa Susana Mountains just adjacent to Chatsworth Park South.  Looking down at the Park from the trail a few days ago, my husband and I once again noticed that other than most of the trees being cut down to stumps (completed several months ago), there is no evidence that any work has been done on the planned clean up/remediation and the Park doesn't look any closer to reopening than it has for years.  

I attended the LVNOC Community meetings just over a year ago in the Mason Park gym where we voted on how to use the Proposition K funds allocated to the Park.  At the time, we were told that the reopening was scheduled for Summer 2015.  Since then I've not seen nor heard about any progress and Chatsworth continues to suffer from a lack of open space/parkland/picnic/soccer fields/general access to the public that Chatsworth Park South provided the Community for many years.  We raised two children here in Chatsworth and spent tons of time in various activities at the Park during those years so we know well what the space provided us and our family and friends for all of those years.  Since the Park closed 7 years ago, all of the current families, children, sports teams, etc. are being forced to use Mason Park which is much smaller and not at all designed or able to facilitate the crowds using it as an alternative.  It is sadly run down, the grass is struggling to survive, and its just too crowded.  Meanwhile, beautiful Chatsworth Park South sadly just sits there fenced off, unable to be used--and the picture of neglect.

Can you please give us an idea of where in the process Chatsworth Park South is at this juncture, when the remediation will start and finish, and most importantly when the Park will reopen to the Community?  As our elected official, we need and expect you to be working on this diligently for us and we have yet to see any progress indicating that this is a priority for you and the Community you represent.

Thank you!

Vivian Ehresman

UPDATE #28  FEB 14, 2015:

CLOSED 7 Years Ago: February 14, 2008

Never Been There
A couple generations of Chatsworth folks have fond memories of Chatsworth Park South. Then, 7 years ago, the City closed it due to lead contamination on the grounds. There are plans for cleaning up the park. But they are still just plans.
No action yet.

Now almost a half-generation of Chatsworth kids have never been able to play in the park, climb on its playground, eat a picnic lunch under its trees, or just run around like kids.

Help SSMPA let the City of LA know that we are less-than-patiently awaiting
Re-Opening of Chatsworth Park South  

UPDATE #27 JAN 20, 2015:

A New, New Delay

"The request for BIDs to be received by the Department of Recreation and Parks for the contamination mitigation at Chatsworth Park South has been delayed.

"The reason for this delay is the Recreation and Parks headquarters were severely damaged in the fire that took place by their headquarters by Freemont and Temple Street downtown late last year.

"Bids are now due back at the end of February and we expect to hear from the departments in mid March."

Less than a month left until the 7th anniversary of closure (February 14).

UPDATE #26 JAN 13, 2015:

Contractors' Bids Due This Month

Bids for performing the remediation work at Chatsworth Park South are due to be presented to the city by mid-January. 
Apparently some bid(s) has/have been received already that appear to be "in the ballpark." 
After the bid-submission deadline, they will need to review, select, and sign a contract. How long will that take?

2 weeks (Feb. 1)? ... 6 weeks (Mar. 1)? ... 10 weeks (Apr. 1)?

CPS has been closed 2,516 days as of today.
No child under the age of 7 has ever swung on a swing or played tag at Chatsworth Park South.

UPDATE #25 OCT 16, 2014:

New Delay

The city put the remediation work out for contractors' bids. Just one bid was received. The city rejected it because is was too $$$.
So the city is now putting the work out for bids to a larger array of contractors. Bids may be ready to review around December 2014.

Councilmember Englander's office is now suggesting that it might be another 1 and a half years before the park can reopen.

April 2016?
That would be more than 8 years of closure.

UPDATE #24 JUL 29, 2014:

Some Activity Today at Chatsworth Park South 

Apparently some grass cutting and trimming going on this morning. And a bright red pop-up canopy labeled City of Los Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks.  

Is a press conference / photo opportunity coming? Stay tuned.

Turned out to be a false alarm. Nothing happening.


UPDATE #23 JUL 25, 2014:

Reopening Chatsworth Park South by Summer 2015: Revisited

Council District 12 reports that SSMPA's Watch Center made a mistake when we reported that LA Rec and Park officials said that remediation work at Chatsworth Park South would be complete by March 2015. Oh well. And by the way, speaking of March: the next City Council Primary Election will be March 3, 2015. Don't forget to vote.

Anyway, here is the latest statement from Council District 12:

"Working ... to remediate lead and petroleum contamination at Chatsworth Park South. Final designs have been proved to re-open the park by summer of 2015."

source: Councilmember Mitchell Englander's Third Year in Review 2014, page 25, col.1,

UPDATE #22 MAR 7, 2014:

389 Days ?

The number of days remaining until Chatsworth Park South reopens. City officials from Council District 12 and from the Department of Recreation and Parks continue to assure us that remediation work at the park will be complete by March of 2015, and the park will re-open soon after. This sounds like very good news!


UPDATE #21 FEB 21, 2014:

Reopening Chatsworth Park South by Summer 2015: Where Things Stand Now

Chatsworth Park South, of course, is the park at the far west end of Devonshire.  The City of Los Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks, operates CPS.  On February 14, 2008, over six years ago, the City closed the park to the public because of the discovery of contamination on some of the grounds from lead and other substances. (The property was used for skeet shooting activities about 50-60 years ago, before the land was acquired by the City and developed as a public park.)

After five years of little progress, in March of 2013, the City of Los Angeles presented a comprehensive plan for cleaning up Chatsworth Park South. The California Department of Toxic Substances Control approved the plan in July 2013. The plan calls for approximately 21 acres of the park’s 72 acres to be “remediated”, largely by capping the ground with twelve inches of screening, aggregate material, clean soil, and grass. More than 150 trees are to be removed, the ground graded, drainages sculpted, the cap applied, and new trees planted. Total cost will be about $7+ million.

Preliminary design plans have been completed and so has tree removal. Further work is expected to begin in the summer of 2014. City spokespersons are stating quite assertively that the work should be complete by spring of 2015, and we can expect Chatsworth Park South to re-open by the summer of 2015. The City is not revealing yet where they expect to get the remaining $6 million, but they seem confident that it will be available in time to meet the Summer 2015 re-opening target.


Recent tree removal:  All tree removal activities were apparently completed in February. It appears that within the boundaries of the approximately 21-acre remediation area, all trees have been cut down except that all oak trees have been left in place, and at least one large sycamore (near the Recreation Center) has been preserved.  Some native sycamores were felled, but most trees cut down were non-native trees such as eucalyptus, pines, etc.

Do not forget that Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park, the 680-acre state park that surrounds the CPS city park, has been open during the closure of CPS and will remain open, with its miles of walking trails, including the Old Stagecoach Trail. Entrances at Larwin Avenue just south of Devonshire, near 9860 Andora Avenue, and 7700 Lilac Lane.


UPDATE #20 FEB 13, 2014:

Detention Basins Explained

There will be 4 detention basins in the final plan. The purpose of the detention basins is to capture and control runoff from the hills surrounding the remediation area that will be capped. This cap must be protected from storm-water runoff. The detention basins will be inter-connected by a system of inlets, outlets, bio-swales and other drainage features. The basins will be monitored for any possible contamination as part of of the operational and maintenance plan that will be implemented after the remediation plan is complete

source: Mr. Paul Davis, Environmental Specialist at the LA Department of Recreation and Parks

UPDATE #19 JAN 29, 2014:

Tree Removal is in Progress


Tree removal has started in the area to the south and west of the rec center building.
Work is being done by WCA, West Coast Arborists. 
Haul-away trucks head east on Devonshire. 

[See also Update #17 below]

UPDATE #18 JAN 21, 2014:

Mark Our Calendars....?

Mr. Paul Davis, Environmental Specialist at the LA Department of Recreation and Parks, stated in a public meeting today that the park cleanup and enhancement activities at Chatsworth Park South are on track to be complete by April – June 2015. In other words, we can expect that the park will be re-opened by the summer of 2015.

Ms. Megan Cottier, Council District 12 Community Service Director, also stated that she was confident that funds to complete the work, some $6+ million, will be acquired in time to meet such a schedule. She did not say where the $$$ might come from.


UPDATE #17 JAN 21, 2014:

Tree Removal Begins

Most of the trees in the sections of Chatsworth Park South to be cleaned up will be removed, except for historic oak trees.
Replacement trees will be planted for all trees removed.
Tree removals will begin this month.  


UPDATE #16 JAN 21, 2014:

$$$   $$$ 
Note corrected meeting dates below

The City of Los Angeles is pursuing $0.7 million of “Proposition K” monies to make some enhancements to Chatsworth Park South as the park is being remediated by the major, separate cleanup project.

Council District 12, in compliance with Prop K requirements, has appointed members to a Local Volunteer group to advise on specific enhancements. The group will consult at public meetings at 2:30pm at Mason Park on Wednesdays January 21, February 12, and February 26, 2014. The Local Volunteer group includes community members Bob Dager (SSMPA), Maureen Finan, Mary Kaufman, Lucia Montano, and Linda van der Valk.

This $0.7 million of “Proposition K” funds is over and above the approximately $6.5 million that must be secured to pay for the park remediation (contamination cleanup) project itself. 


UPDATE #15 JAN 09, 2014:

Mr. Juan Soto, Mason and Chatsworth Rec Center director, reports that there are no regularly scheduled programs at Chatsworth Rec Center

at this time. The staff are waiting for more information about when cleanup construction activities, which would disrupt scheduled activities, 

 may begin


Chatsworth Rec Center is being used, about 3-4 times a week, for miscellaneous activities and overflow activities from other Rec Centers.


UPDATE #14 NOV 14, 2013:

See a preliminary design plan for post-cleanup Chatsworth Park South

The recreation center at CPS is now being staffed by new Recreation Coordinator Craig Lamas.
Stop in to say hello to Craig 11:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday.
Craig says he expects to have some scheduled indoor activities under way at the Rec Center by January 2014.


UPDATE #13 OCT 1, 2013:
Apparently on schedule! 

LA Dept. of Recreation and Parks sent us an update on the CPS Cleanup Project

"While we only received DTSC's approval of the RAP on July 23rd, we have been moving forward with the project.
  • In the last 2 months we have selected an engineering and design contractor and developed a park concept for the approved cap
  • The biological surveys and wetlands delineation required as mitigation measures in the Mitigated Negative Declaration were completed  over the summer, and are ready for eventual project permitting.
  • We currently anticipate approved plans and the award of a construction contract by Summer 2014, with the project completed and approved in Spring 2015.
These projections, of course, are based on the availability of funding from the new administration, which could affect the implementation of the project."   ~Paul J.  Davis  October 1, 2013
Ask your own questions:
Council District 12:
City Recreation & Parks:


UPDATE #12 AUG. 7, 2013:

In earlier times, before the City Department of Recreation and Parks had produced a Remedial Action Plan for reopening Chatsworth Park South, SSMPA relieved its frustrations over the lack of progress by counting, and publicizing, days: the number of days that the park has been closed. (CPS was closed, February 14, 2008.) Seeing signs of progress in the spring of 2013, SSMPA set aside the daily count. But now for one day SSMPA revives the count, for today, August 7, 2013, is a special day. It is . . .

Day #2,000
UPDATE #11 AUG. 6, 2013:

Next CPS Watch Center Checkpoint: September 9, 2013: Are Construction Plans Complete? 

The LA Department of Recreation and Parks and DTSC have ‘declined’ SSMPA’s requests to make public an up-to-date project schedule for the CPS Reopening Project. 

However, the project schedule published as part of the approved Remedial Action Plan states that the next step after approval of the RAP is “Prepare Construction Plans,” and that it should take about 45 days to complete.

The RAP was approved July 23, 2013. Therefore approximately September 9, 2013, is when we can expect the Construction Plans to be complete. Thus, September 9 becomes our next CPS Watch Center Checkpoint.

You may want to help. Ask if the Construction Plans are on schedule for early September: 

Council District 12:
City Recreation & Parks:  

[See also Update #8 below and the project schedule at the bottom of this page]

UPDATE #10 AUG. 5, 2013:

Maybe you skimmed the "Response to Public Comments" that DTSC issued along with its approval letter for the Chatsworth Park South cleanup plan on July 23, 2013. (See Update #8 below.) If so, you may have noticed:

Q&A #19:  “Has funding been secured?”
DTSC Response:  Yes

The response is true, but incomplete.

$1M, about 1/7 of the estimated total costs, have been funded.  About $6M+ still need to be funded. We should not expect that any of the remaining $6M+ will be funded before July 2014, the start of the 2014-2015 City budget year.  At that time: all, some, or none of the $6M+ could be funded.

So, this means that remaining funding will probably be secured over the course of an unknown number of future annual budget cycles.
The cleanup work can progress only so far as funding has been provided. So, the re-opening date for our Park is highly uncertain, and subject to potential annual delays.

All this makes it critically important that all of us, the Chatsworth community and SSMPA, keep our eyes continually on the progress, or lack of progress, of the CPS Reopening Project over the next years (plural). 
Like hawks.

UPDATE #9 JULY 26, 2013:

LA City Council District 12's announcement of DTSC's approval of cleanup plan follows:
(Let's hope ". . ." does not imply a never-ending saga) 

Chatsworth Park South Clean Up…
I'm pleased to announce that the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) recently approved the Removal Action Plan (RAP) prepared by City of Los Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks. This approval is a major milestone to the eventual re-opening of the park. The RAP addresses potential risks from conditions related to contamination at the site and evaluates and describes proposed mitigation plans. The approved mitigation measure addresses contaminated soil by "capping" the contamination with clean soil, removes contamination from scrub brush areas and preserves heritage trees.

The park was closed in 2008 when lead pellets and other contaminants were discovered at the site that were left behind from when the property was used as a skeet shooting range in the 1960s. The City purchased the property and turned it into a public park in 1978.

My office has worked closely with the DTSC and Recreation and Parks to ensure the clean-up moves forward as quickly as possible so the public can safely use and enjoy the park again. We intervened very shortly after the closure to have the Chatsworth Historical Society’s Museum and the cultural-historical monument Homestead Acre and Minnie Palmer Cottage examined and then re-opened for the public once it was found to be safe and free of contamination. 

On February 14 of this year, we hit another major milestone in re-opening the park when we announced that the gym was available for use by the community. We identified funds in the budget to ensure that the gymnasium remains staffed in the next fiscal year.

For questions relating to Chatsworth Park South, please contact Ron Rubine at 818-882-1212. If you are interested in using the gym, please contact Recreation and Parks, Valley Region Headquarters at 818-756-8189.

-Mitchell Englander, Councilmember, Twelfth District


UPDATE #8 JULY 24, 2013:
  DTSC approved the Cleanup Plan and issued its "Response to Public Comments"  July 23, 2013
The California Department of Toxic Substances Control formally notified the LA City Department of Recreation and Parks that DTSC has approved the DRP's Remedial Action Plan for the Chatsworth Park South Cleanup. 

Click HERE to read the approval letter and responses to your public comments and questions.

[See also Update #6 below]


UPDATE #7 JULY 13, 2013:


CPS Gym Gets Some Use!

Northridge kids' basketball league using the Chatsworth Park South Gymnasium on morning of Saturday, July 13 & 20.

Good to see people enjoying one piece of the park again!


UPDATE #6 JULY 11, 2013:

  CPS Watch Center checkpoint: July 10, 2013: Has DTSC approved the Cleanup Plan? 

Not yet, but ....

California Department of Toxic Substances Control reports:
"We will send Response to Public Comments and inform the public about RAP Approval sometime this month."

[See also Updates #1 & #3 below]

UPDATE #5 JUNE 18, 2013:

District Director Megan Cottier of L.A. Council District 12 (Englander) reports that
funds have been included in the 2013-14 city budget for hiring a full-time activities director
for the Recreation Center at Chatsworth Park South. 
[credit Chatsworth Neighborhood Council for urging approval of the funding]

 "The Council Office did not give a date for when the director would be in the gym,
only that a position had been funded for the 13-14 fiscal year."

When might scheduled activities resume at the gymnasium? Not known yet.

If activities resume at the gymnasium, can access to the gymnasium be maintained
during the time that the cleanup work of the surrounding parkland is being done (estimated min. ~7 months)?


UPDATE #4 JUNE 05, 2013:

The Recreation and Parks Commissioners met and noted that $1 million has been allocated to the engineering phase.
They asked where the remaining $6+ million was. 
The Rec and Parks staff responded that the $6+ million would need to be allocated in the budgets of future years (plural).

So the earliest possible date the entire cleanup can be completed is sometime in 2015, but the latest date could apparently be years beyond:

2016? 2017? 2018?

UPDATE #3 JUNE 05, 2013:

The Recreation and Parks Commissioners adopted the MND* related to the cleanup plan.
The full plan is still on schedule for possible approval by the State Department of Toxic Substances Control by July 10, 2013.

* Minimum Negative Declaration

UPDATE #2 MAY 31, 2013:

The final version of the Remedial Action Plan contained a project schedule that suggested that the entire cleanup could be completed by May 2014.

However the LA City budget for 2013-2014 allocates just $1 million of the estimated $7 million total project cost.
LA Department of Rec & Parks tells SSMPA that "Funding for the actual construction of the project will be addressed in the next budget cycle."

  • Since the next budget cycle will be for 2014-2005, and the resulting budget will not go into effect until July 2014, and
  • Since the duration of "actual construction" is estimated at a best case of 7 months:
We cannot expect the entire cleanup to be completed until sometime in early 2015 at best.
That will be 7 years of closure.

UPDATE #1 MAY 30, 2013:

The final version of the Remedial Action Plan contained a project schedule that suggested that the RAP could be approved by
May 13, 2013.

On May 30, 2013, Mr. Paul Davis of LA Department of Rec & Parks tells SSMPA that July 10, 2013is the best date that approval of the Remedial Action Plan can now be expected.


Bookmark this page - More updates to follow here at Watch Center: CPS

project plan from RAP